If you want to color your hair and are wondering “will dying my hair ruin the
curl pattern (4C hair texture), this might help. There are so many myths about color in the super curly hair community, we want to give you the back stories that are keeping you from exploring this area!
Coloring hair, in colors other than black, while not new to people with tight curls, is becoming more
common. I think originally many people with 4C texture keep their natural hair color because of historical racial biases. These biases coupled with harsh demands for religious compliance, lead many to never explore getting different hair colors. Among the reasons that are given for not exploring color are:
Color damages your hair
Doing a lighter color, usually blonde or copper, changes the texture of your hair. It loosens the texture but how much depends on the knowledge of the person doing the service.
If the bleach/lightener is left on too long, it can destroy the bonds and the curls disappear. The curls will return but it will take time, intense moisturizing and in a lot of cases, a haircut.
Why do you want “that” color
Many people do not understand the hair color spectrum. Yes, some people are born with blonde hair but the majority lose it as they get older. In order to maintain this facade, they color too. Also, there still persists this attitude that color should remain along racial lines.

I want it to look “Natural”
Many people of color (dare I say: from the Boomer Gen.) like to keep their natural color thinking we do not see them aging. They have successfully managed to bully their kids into keeping this trend.
Silk Presses
It should be noted that if you do silk presses and choose to do a lighter color, this is like double the strain on the hair. Curls will be lost.
So, will dying my hair ruin the curl pattern (4C texture)? This depends on the lightness of the color you want and if your stylist has the knowledge for you to make an informed choice.
By Paula Barker, Silkie Locks Hair Design
Books: “Talking Hair”, “Filling My Head”, & “Dreadlocks – A Hairstylist’s Manifest”
Call (613) 789-2179 For An Appointment If You Are In The Ottawa, Ontario Area.
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