by Paula Barker | Aug 27, 2019 | DREADLOCKS/LOCS, Hair Care, Hair Repair, Hair Styling, Hairstyles for Spring, Hairstyles for summer, Natural Hair, Uncategorized
In the quest to have the perfect locks like their idols on Instagram, many people who do their dreads at home struggle with how to retwist dreads with a lot of regrowth. Let’s face it, we are human and prone to being a bit lazy at some point. Tell me you always...
by Paula Barker | Aug 21, 2019 | Braids, Curls & Perms, DREADLOCKS/LOCS, fashion, Hair Accessories, Hair Care, Hair Extensions, Hair Styling, Hairstyles for summer, Lifestyle, Men's Hair, Natural Hair, Self Image, Uncategorized, Weaves, Wigs
You may have always felt that life“shortchanged” you in some way and always asked yourself how can a girl look more attractive? After all, other women seem to have it all—men fall over themselves to date them and if you follow social media, their lives are one...
by Paula Barker | Aug 13, 2019 | DREADLOCKS/LOCS, Hair Care, Hair Repair, Hair Styling, Hairstyles for Spring, Hairstyles for summer, Natural Hair, Uncategorized
Now you have had your dreadlocks for a month and it is time to redo your roots but does retwisting dreads hurt? This is one of the questions that I can tell you will depend on many factors. After all, you figure making the dreadlocks was the most it was going to...
by Paula Barker | Aug 7, 2019 | baby's Hair, Child's Hair, Hair Care, Hair Repair, Hair Styling, Haircuts, Hairstyles for Spring, Hairstyles for summer, Natural Hair, Self Image, Uncategorized
Every now and then, you get that “dreaded” phone call from a frazzled parent telling you “my daughter cut her hair short!”. What are we to do–things have apparently fallen apart and the world is ending! The child no longer looks normal and something has to...
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