Reusing Your Dreadlocks As Extensions
It has become quite popular to choose reusing your dreadlocks as extensions rather than buying new ones. After spending all that time growing it, why throw it away if it is in good condition? Why not carefully store the hair in case you changed your mind? As a...
Calling The Shots
The internet was divided on where the term” calling the shots” originally came from but everyone agrees on the meaning! I thought it was an appropriate name for this post since as hairstylists, we encounter these situations daily. The meaning of “calling the shots”...
Prepare For Bumps In The Road
One of the things that is often not told to those going in business, is to prepare for bumps in the road. To help one go safely in life, older folk will say this to young people but the same applies to business. It is not all “rolling in money” in the beginning and...
The Problem With Long Dreadlocks
Over this year I have seen more clients with long locs than ever before, which is why I decided to talk about the problem with long dreadlocks. Problem, is probably the wrong word, because after growing the hair for a few years, people are happy they can now style it...
Words And Phrases You May Want To Think Twice About Using
There are certain words and phrases you may want to think twice about using when you are speaking with a hairstylist. In an everyday setting, some words and phrases are reasonable to use, but in a salon, could be open to wrong interpretation!Some of those words and...
Why Are Sections In Some People’s Dreadlocks More Visible Than Others
Maybe you have seen someone’s head and wondered “why are sections in some people’s dreadlocks more visible than others?” The interesting thing about getting dread/locs, is that you will eventually have to accept what was genetically given to you. Or spend the rest of...
Some Things You Never Think To Do For Work
As you consider what to do with your life, there are some things you never think to do for work. For the majority, we are given choices like becoming a teacher, lawyer, doctor etc. but later you discover the job you choose can lead you down some different paths!I had...
Adjusting To A New Hairstyle
At some point in your life, you may have had a challenge adjusting to a new hairstyle. You saw someone, a celebrity perhaps, wearing a certain hairdo and thought, I like that! After some major social media research and self searching, you decide that it’s the one...
Can You Lose Hair If You Don’t Eat Well
After giving advice on a possible reason for the hair breakage, a client asked ”can you lose hair if you don't eat well? Food is still the most underrated thing that people associate with hair growth. Rather, most will spend thousands on products, storing them in...
How Much Time Does It Really Take To Get Your Hair Done
Every time an appointment is taken in a salon, one is asked how much time does it really take to get your hair done. There are several services that a salon can offer, each with a time for completion. We can estimate the time and give an idea of the cost a lot of...