by Paula Barker | Jun 29, 2023 | Business, Hair Care, Hair Extensions, Hair Fails, Hair Repair, Hair Styling, Haircuts, Hairstyles for summer, Salon Pricing, Uncategorized
An important part of doing business is speaking your customer’s language. Depending on where you are located, you may be in contact with people that speak several languages. But language can be non-verbal. Clients will speak to you in your...
by Paula Barker | Jun 17, 2023 | Braids, Business, fashion, Hair Accessories, Hair Care, Hair Extensions, Hair Fails, Hair Styling, Hairstyles for Spring, Hairstyles for summer, Natural Hair, Self Image, Uncategorized
How do you braid fine, thin hair for someone who wants volume? Not all of us were blessed with thick, lustrous hair, so those of us on the other side of the hair coin, will use any artificial means necessary to look like we do! Braids are one way of...
by Paula Barker | Jun 8, 2023 | DREADLOCKS/LOCS, fashion, Hair Care, Hair Styling, Natural Hair, Self Image, Uncategorized
I thought it was totally appropriate to use coming in from the cold – Freeform locs to illustrate this blog. Those who prefer freeform locs are usually those who want freedom. They do not like to look like everyone else and this an expression of this...
by Paula Barker | Jun 2, 2023 | Coloring Hair, DREADLOCKS/LOCS, Hair Fails, Hairstyles for Spring, Hairstyles for summer, Troubleshooting, Uncategorized
Summer is inspiring us to get a colour change but how does one go about colouring hair without making a mess? I am highlighting colouring dreadlocks in this instance because they come with a whole new set of rules! If the dreads/locs are short or long, I find the...
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