by Paula Barker | Oct 28, 2019 | DREADLOCKS/LOCS, Hair Accessories, Hair Care, Hair Extensions, Hair products, Lifestyle, Men's Hair, Natural Hair, Self Image, Uncategorized
When you start dreads, there are so many things you have to think about, how to keep dreads smelling good probably never comes up! It should not, but I have found that lifestyle choices have a significant impact on how other people accept your dreadlocks! ...
by Paula Barker | Oct 23, 2019 | Business, Hair Care, Hair Styling, Self Image, Uncategorized
Many people do not understand why it is important to invest in yourself after leaving school. They spend valuable time studying a subject or service they like or their parents made them do or as in a lot of cases, it paid good money. However, as soon as...
by Paula Barker | Oct 16, 2019 | DREADLOCKS/LOCS, Hair Care, Hair Repair, Hair Styling, Natural Hair, Self Image, Uncategorized
Bumpy and lumpy dreadlocks are another phase that you might encounter while you are on your locking journey. It affects all hair types and textures. It does not care if your hair is long or short and it happens to fat or slim dreadlocks! Incredibly, there...
by Paula Barker | Oct 9, 2019 | Hair Care, Hair Repair, Hair Styling, Haircuts, Hairstyles for Spring, Hairstyles for summer, Natural Hair, Uncategorized
Many people who have stopped using relaxers and have gone “natural” ask should I straighten my natural hair? By straighten we mean blow it out with a blow dryer, not return to chemicals. This question usually comes up because the natural hair has clumped...
by Paula Barker | Oct 3, 2019 | Coloring Hair, DREADLOCKS/LOCS, fashion, Hair Care, Hair products, Natural Hair, Uncategorized
In recent times, many people have stopped colouring their hair with traditional dyes and are looking at non-chemical alternatives like henna. They want colours that contain no parabens, but is it healthy to dye dreadlocks with henna? This plant-based dye has...
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