Bumpy and lumpy dreadlocks are another phase that you might encounter while you are

on your locking journey.  It affects all hair types and textures. It does not care if your hair is long or short and it happens to fat or slim dreadlocks!  Incredibly, there are many people who love this look but if you don’t, here is how to stop having bumpy and lumpy dreadlocks!


There are always requests from people needing ways to get rid of bumpy and lumpy dreadlocks.  They are often 

not concerned at the beginning but over time, if they continue,  all the dreadlocks start looking like this and it can become an issue if you have to be neat.

  • Lumps and Bumps cause dreads to have strands pushed out from the sides.  The strands differ in width depending on your hair type or how long you left them.  They can form these miniature circles along the length of the dread. These happen when the hair is left wet, e.g. after a shampoo and the person falls asleep without drying them.  The circles are flat and can be difficult to put in but they disappear over time if you are vigilant and palm roll a lot.
  •  Lumps  and Bumps are formed when a knot is made to join a thinning area along the dread or a few locks attached themselves along the way.  If the bump to join a thinning area is too big it will be higher than the rest of the hair; if done properly, it is almost undetectable. 
  • Lumps and Bumps  can also happen when you interlock your dreads. It is more uniform if this is the method you use all the time but looks less smooth than dreads done using the palm roll or crochet methods.

A bump from dreads attaching together is best removed before they start to form a single dread.  If not caught early,  some can be ripped off when trying to separate them. I suggest pulling them apart as soon as you notice it unless they are too thin to stay on their own or you like them like that.


Call (613) 789-2179 For An  Appointment  If You Are In The Ottawa, Ontario Area.

If you have not noticed, folks with bumpy and lumpy dreadlocks have different views on their beauty.  I have learned in my years of doing dreads not to judge or assume it is a bad thing since the client might want them like that so ask before you decide to make any changes.


By Paula Barker, Silkie Locks Hair Design 

Buy my e-book:  Dreadlocks: A Hairstylist’s Manifest, (Amazon.com)