If you are always on a diet, working out at the gym or 

careful to make minimal trims to preserve your long hair, you probably have figured out that averages can get you stuck, if you don’t have all the information.  This same situation applies for people who want to know what is the average number of dreads.


Mostly people ask what is the average number of

dreads either when they first come to get them or when they are almost at the shoulders.  The frustration of waiting for them to finally rest on the shoulder seems to overcome them. Averages are good for some things, I do not feel it is good in this instance.  You know the saying about the grass is always greener on the other side?  


The reason you want to avoid comparing your dreads to someone else’s is:

  • The person may have more hair than you genetically;
  • Your neighbour might have a different hair type that makes their hair thicker so they can make more dreadlocks;
  • They may have a smaller head with more hair;
  • These days, they may have extensions 
  • They eat more nutritional foods.


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Do not not concern yourself with what is the average number of dreads because every person’s head is unique.  Your head could have 75 dreads but they are thin and straggly and someone else has the same number and they look great.  This is because their texture can hold that number. You are better off with 50 thick dreads than 75 super skinny ones!  

By Paula Barker, Silkie Locks Hair Design