After having paid expensive tuition fees, to end up not working in the field
you majored in can be upsetting. I was one of those people. When you remember all the hard work and long nights, you shudder to do a repeat performance. But, you sometimes land in a sweet spot and that makes it all worth it!
As an immigrant, when you come to North America, your certificates/degrees can suddenly become
obsolete. There are many doctors, engineers etc., who paid dearly for their careers, working as taxi drivers. If you are not flexible, this side of the world is not for you. Shame has killed and maimed many immigrants. How do you face people at home, who knew you as upper middle class or higher and tell them you had to become a cleaner? Sadly, this is the fate of most first-generation immigrants. You take what work you can get in the beginning to pay the bills!
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In my case, I got into hairstyling because I wanted to work for myself. After several part-time jobs
hopefully you develop a need for stability! I was not working in the area that I studied but I was able to use the skills that I got to help make my work better. What I found is that most people here do hairstyling as a last resort. I actually love doing hair because it offers so many options for work People often ask me if I do not get bored. Quite the opposite, in one full day, I can have a mix of:
- Dreadlocks
- Haircut
- Color
- Permanent
- Relaxer
- Hair extensions
- Natural hair services e.g. cornrows, twists, straightening, etc.
In the office, I got bored once I knew how to do something. I travelled up the corporate ladder quite fast because of this but at the end, I was still tired. It is certainly more rewarding to do what you love. If you are not working in the field in which you majored, avoid those people who try to pressure you. Do what you have to and in time, you can do what you want.
By Paula Barker, Silkie Locks Hair Design
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