After learning to live with your hair chemical free for the last two years, you

might be asking how do you start to wear natural hair?  If you had talked with people with chemically changed hair before this time, they swore on several saviours they could never manage their natural hair.  The hair could have been so thin a breath could snap it off, they soldiered on.  Two years at home and no options, they have finally seen how nice “natural” could be.  


I am not saying you will suddenly become this natural hair guru. But with practice, you could make

it out in public:  the ultimate challenge for most.  You have to be from family that were taught that natural hair was bad to understand.  You work hard to get the slightest compliment and then the annoying question: “So when are you doing your hair?


Going from chemically changed to natural means doing the following: 

  • You will have to cut off the straightened part of the hair.  This could be done right away or in stages.  I let people decide, especially if the hair was long.  After that you could do trims every 3-4 months.
  • You will have to try different styling products so the purchases will change.
  • Combing the hair will be essential to your survival.  Curly hair is not the type you want to delay combing.  Stray hairs learn to tangle and start mini dreads.
  • You have to make the choice to do it yourself or hand that responsibility to a stylist.  I feel you should learn at least one style that you can do in case of a crisis.
  • If you do not do so already, investing in jewelry and some makeup.  This helps to lighten your mood.

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How do you start to wear natural hair? By giving yourself time and not allowing people’s comments to stop you.  Many who have done it, say they appreciate the freedom of wearing their own hair most of all.

By Paula Barker, Silkie Locks Hair Design

PS I have two books in paperback on amazon.  I would appreciate your support.  Click the links.


Dreadlocks, A Hairstylist's Manifest



Talking Hair