No one likes to lose hair and usually you don’t lose it in the areas you wish you would
either. One of the things I am seeing more of are people who have dreadlocks and suffering from hair loss or thinning. Just like grey hair, the places where it appears most are at the front or the top of the head.
After having dreadlocks for several years, the roots of the dreads can become thinner from hair loss if you:
- have hair loss in your DNA
- Used the neglect method of making dreadlocks and “neglected” to sort the tangled roots
- Do not keep the dreadlocks at an ideal length where it is not too thin at the root
- Have bad eating habits
- Have a stressful lifestyle, whether from work, attitude or way of wearing the hair e.g. having it in a ponytail at all times.
Because of the increase in demand for solutions for those who
have dreadlocks and suffering from hair loss or thinning, there are a number of ways to add hair. One of the solutions is the bridge-in method of adding dreads. Dreadlocks extensions are added and anchored by sewing in them to fill the space (s).
This is a temporary way to solve the problem. The client has
to visit the salon every 3 weeks to tighten the bridge as the hair grows. My concern when I do this method is any hair that is currently growing in or near the space can become tangled in the bridge extension. Also, The dreadlocks on either side that are holding the bridge have to be checked for signs of thinning every few weeks.
Call (613) 789-2179 For An Appointment If You Are In The Ottawa, Ontario Area.
Hair loss is something any person would rather not experience but if it happens there are other ways to add hair through custom hair replacement methods. If you have dreadlocks and are suffering from hair loss or thinning, this is a temporary solution that can look quite realistic but you need to make time and have a budget for regular touch ups.
By Paula Barker, Silkie Locks Hair Design
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