In today’s highly social environment, I think we have gone somewhat 

overboard in our understanding of the functions of hair!   If we could talk with our prehistoric self and show them what we do with hair now, no one could have predicted the motivation of social media!

I was considering the many functions of hair and was surprised at how it is wrapped up in our lives in 

terms of our identity and behavior.  Here are some examples:

  • Insulate the body – provides a level of protection to the skin e.g. from direct sunlight, protects the nostrils etc.
  • Cushion for the skull – how many times has a bun stopped you from breaking your head open?
  • Punishment – Shaving the head or cutting the hair very short was a popular form of punishment in colonial times and today.  
  • Control/Power – At some point in history, governments, husbands and family used it to manage the behavior of people under them.
  • Status –  In many cultures, hairstyles were indicative of economic standing.
  • Cultural – Wearing some form of headgear has cultural significance whether it was religious or originally, safety from harm or the elements.
  • Religious – Many forms of religion dictate how the hair is/was worn.
  • Respect – In some cultures or religions, cutting the hair was a sign of grieving and respect for the dead.
  • Protest – Against systems, norms, rights and discriminations. We got the hippies, goth, punk, dreadlocks.
  • Fashion – Hairstyles have been evolving forever.  The media played a pivotal role in dictating what was popular through celebrities.  This has changed as individuals can use social media to showcase their creativity so it is no longer a ‘one size fits all’ world.
  • Camouflage – through the use of hair extensions and other accessories, one can transform any perceived lack in volume, length or color.
  • Sexual Attraction – Many humans unconsciously have a bias, for example, how long hair  plays a striking role in males on who they choose as partners, often blinding them to their partners’ faults.

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Our ancestors definitely would not have guessed how with time, humans would have piled up this impressive array for the functions of hair.  

By Paula Barker, Silkie Locks Hair Design

Books: ”Talking Hair”, “Filling My Head” & “Dreadlocks – A Hairstylist’s Manifest”.