So, you finally got the hairstyle you have always wanted, and just when you thought you were home free, someone makes a rude comment about appearance.  You are devastated!  When you got them, you thought you looked so good and everyone was going to feel the same, but let’s be real:  not everyone sees it your way.  There will be someone to make a rude comment about appearance whatever you do!

Clients often want to make a change in their appearance.  They will have 21 (or is it 99) questions about how it is going to turn out.  A lot of times, it looks great but I must warn you, there are some dream killers in this world.  They come in the form of family members, friends, co-workers and people we have tremendous respect for.  They come from conservative to abusive backgrounds with firm opinions about how people should wear their hair.  I must admit, I like hair to look undone but there must be some order in that chaos!  I like dreads to look easygoing but also neat.  I cannot help it, so I try hard not to be judgemental when I see neglected dreads or frayed ends or fried hair.  There is only so much a trained hairstylist can take.

What do you do when someone makes a rude comment about appearance is hard to answer.  This is so because it usually happens when you are not prepared.  If it happens at the family barbecue via some relative everyone knows will say things regardless of others feelings, then you will not feel so bad. If it happens while you are out on the street, that can be demoralising.  I suggest you ignore the comment and go about your business.  Nobody should be allowed to interrupt your flow.  On the off chance you do need to get your hair done though, please see your stylist immediately!

When I have new clients for dreads, I do warn them about stereotypes.  Dressing well tends to stop this behaviour.  In my post How to Wear Dreadlocks at Work, I talk about styles that keep the hair looking neat.  For normal hairstyles, having your hair trimmed on a regular basis, keeps it in shape.


By Paula Barker,

Buy my e-book:  Dreadlocks:  A Hairstylist’s Manifest,

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