f you have been having a challenge with product buildup in dreads, this
is the year to start achieving your hair goals! Product buildup in dreads happens from different sources but many people are not aware until it has gone a bit out of control. The hair is one of the first things people notice about you, and you need it to look great–all the time.
Do-it-yourself dreadlocks wearers began to notice that a simple shampoo was great
for washing. Over time, however, if you were not an obsessive-compulsive washer/every dreadlock examiner, there could be some product buildup in dreads if you used beeswax for example. So began the use of the apple-cider-vinegar (ACV) wash for cleansing dreadlocks. There were/are other causes of build too, which the ACV cannot address and this is what I am talking about here. Other sources of buildup include: scarves, collars, bedsheets, blankets, animals, air in working environment, dust, hair products, etc.
A few important things to know when washing dreadlocks yourself is:
- before washing, you should examine the dreads to see if there are any suspicious white spots. If you have lighter or brown hair they may look greyish, but see where these occur, and
- when you wet the hair for the shampoo, rub this area to loosen the buildup. If the buildup is another colour, it may be from a blanket etc. simply try to pick it from the dreadlocks without damaging them.
- If you have not done your hair for over a month and the white line is at the last place it was last tightened, be sure to rub this area while you have the shampoo in.
- squeeze the area and rub while you are rinsing to make sure it gets out.

ACV rinses work better if you do this to the problem sections rather than just soaking them with no rubbing. Remember to give your locks a good conditioning treatment after to restore the moisture balance.
If you follow these simple steps, you will certainly not have to worry about product buildup in dreads.
By Paula Barker, Silkie Locks Hair Design
Call (613) 789-2179 for An Appointment If You Are In The Ottawa, Ontario Area.
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