One would not under most circumstances think the subject of self esteem in adults would be a topic for the hair salon. However, if you read any any information on self esteem, a healthy body image is bound to come up. What tops a healthy body but nice-looking hair? If your hair is well cut and styled, first impression is generally favorable. Many people who avoid having their hair maintained on a regular basis, often wonder why their hair does not fall in place as those who do.
Self esteem is something everyone hopes would have been developed since childhood, but as stylists we regularly have clients who did not yet succeed in this area. They will want to try a new hairdo but are super shy to do so. When I was just starting in the salon industry, I would get some who gave me no restrictions on the type of haircut/style to give them. I would make suggestions and the client would agree. i would do the style but for some reason I eventually got to understand, we would somehow go back to the look they came in originally.

Call (613) 789-2179 to book your appointment if you are in the Ottawa, Ontario area.
As stylists we are forever trying to make people over. We see potential, but it is difficult to get someone to change if they are unwilling. when someone has worn a look forever, chances are it would take something earth shattering to help make them change, like illness or alopecia. To help them change usually involves making small, regular steps. For example, if the person was reluctant but wanting a new colour, taking them from darkest brown to a light brown would be a huge step in this direction. For clients who are wear extensions only in their natural colour, adding a bit of colour to the extensions helps. Such small steps, although seemingly insignificant, provide a huge boost in the self image of the client. Eventually, I have seen some go on to try other styles and cuts.
A great self image is important to very individual and whatever one can do to improve it will makes life so much more exciting!
By Paula Barker,
Buy my e-book: Dreadlocks: A Hairstylist’s Manifest (
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